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Friday, August 28, 2009

Word of the Day - Friday 8/28/09

Jesus answered, "The work of God is this:  to believe in the one He has sent."  John 6:29

  Yes, we all know to "Believe in Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved."  It is a must, and the first step to salvation and knowing Him.

  Something we also need to know and remember is, it's not the last step, just the starting point.  The Bible says that even the demons believe in Jesus, and tremble.  Our salvation doesn't stop at just knowing that he simply exists, but knowing and acknowledging he exists starts our walk. 

  The next steps are to be batized, both in water (In the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins Acts 2:38) and in the Holy Ghost (with the evidence of speaking in tounges as the spirit gives the utterance Acts 2:4).

  The last and continual for Him.  Living a life of Holiness, free & separated from sin is the hardest part.  Anyone can DIE for Him, but it's harder to LIVE for Him.

Keep on Keeping on!

Bro B