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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Music Conference worth attending

I have attended the To The Chief Musician music conference in Stockton, California, more many years now. Excellent, excellent music conference to attend, to help you learn more regarding the music ministry, and grow yourself musically, spiritually, and in leadership.

This is also something I would recommend encouraging anyone that is in the music ministry to attend. Whether you are the director, drummer, bassist, sound person, or just a singer in the choir or ensemble, you will receive something from this conference.

My wife, bassist/song writer, sound lady and I are going to attend the IBC Music Fest music conference, in Indianapolis, Indiana this year. Not sure what the difference is, other than thi IBC (Indiana Bible College) music conference has been running longer that the TTCM (To The Chief Musician) music conference has.

We are excited about what it has in store, and what we're going to learn from this. I plan to share all I learn, weblinks to resources, music tips, and plenty of pics & vids from the conference. If you have never attended a music conference before, you NEED to!! It's such an experience to be around like minded people, who do what you do. Plus, you get tons of questions answered, you can talk to people going through the same things you are, and learn new ideas on how to tackle things you are trying out.

Check out the two websites above, and if you can't make it to either of these conferences this year, try to make plans to attend one next year. There are plenty of other music conferences available, but these are two that I know about, and have/will attend.

Let me know what you think, or if you have any places you have been. I'd love to hear about what has worked for you.

God Bless,